Photo of Raits Aistars with his grandson, Anders Raits Aistars, 2004

Photo of Raits and Anda Aistars, wedding day, 1964
For my much loved uncle Raits,
March 13, 1933 - January 2, 2006
Ka lai atvados?
Vel paliek nepateikts vards,
neizstastits stasts, neaizlikts solis,
neatdots glasts.
Vel vienu dienu gribejas lugt -
vel vienu, tik vienu,
bet no Tevis vairs tik paliek
sirdij mila atmina
aiz peksni aizslegtam durvim.

Photo of Raits and brother Viestarts Aistars in military, ca. 1955

Photo of Raits and grandson

Photo of Raits and grandson
(translation from Latvian)
How to say goodbye?
Still that unspoken word,
the untold story, the step not taken,
the caress not yet given.
One more day
I wanted to ask -
one more, just one,
but there remains of you
only a cherished memory
behind a suddenly
closed door.

Photo of the Aistars' men: l-r, Janis, Raits, father Ernests, Viestarts, Aivars